translate for WordPress developers and translators

Is your theme or plugin translations up to date? Would you want your theme or plugin translated to a several languages? Have you translated a theme or plugin and found out that the guy next door is doing the same thing in the same time? Do you feel like it would be easier to translate …

Creating .pot file for your theme or plugin

I’ve been re-thinking my thoughts about internationalizing WordPress themes or plugins. For now I have always used Poedit for generating my .po/.mo file and not even included .pot file in a theme or plugin. It has worked pretty well and I know that my finnish translations are working just fine. But with latest theme project …

Translating custom image sizes

Earlier I wrote about how to translate custom page template names. How about doing the same thing for custom image sizes? You see what I mean.

Translating custom page template names

Have you ever wondered how to translate custom page template names? I know I have. I want to translate everything what it comes to WordPress. You now that custom page template starts with header like this. ` /* Template Name: My Custom Page */ ` But how to translate it? Thanks to this advice it’s …