
Maintainable CSS architecture in the Gutenberg era

I had fun time talking about maintainable CSS architecture in the Gutenberg era in WordCamp London and in WordCamp EU. Especially in #WCEU I had a change to talk about CSS with lot’s of people. Thank you all for your questions and challenging the thinking behind my talk ideas. In this post I’ll go through …

Gutenberg Discussion in WordPress Helsinki Meetup

We had vivid conversation about Gutenberg in WordPress Helsinki Meetup. I was hosting the meetup and shared my opinions about Gutenberg. We also got our hands dirty and tested Gutenberg. In short people were worried about the Gutenberg. It’s such a huge change. Here are my slides about Gutenberg Meetup: Gutenberg Slides in Google Sheets. …

Speaking at WordCamp London 2017

What can I say. WordCamp London 2017 was amazing. It was well organised and atmosphere was relaxed. The coolest part was meeting people as always. You know the feeling when you meet people which you have been chatting in Twitter or Slack. I was privileged to  be in Theme Panel and have a lightning talk …

Writing Accessible Content

Good start for accessible site is using accessibility ready themes and plugins. I have written technical overview how to build accessible themes. But that alone is not enough. Writing accessible content is big part of having accessible site. In this article I summarise good and bad practises about writing accessible content. It’s mostly for WordPress but same tips …

Designing Accessible Navigation Talk

About half year ago I was speaking accessible navigation patterns in Jyväskylä WordPress meetup. Designing Accessible Navigation is part two of that talk. It’s pretty much the same in the end but this time design had more focus. Anyways it was great to meet everybody after summer holidays in our WordPress Helsinki meetup! Here is the …

Accessibility in WordPress Turku Meetup

I was happy to visit in WordPress Turku Meetup and talk about accessibility. Topic was how to create better and more accessible themes. This was my third talk in this month and sixth talk in my first year as a freelancer. #WPTurku @samikeijonen showing the right path to #a11y… I have to redo everything… #wpfi — …

Switch Away from Icon Fonts to SVG

This has been busy month for WordPress talks. First freelance talk in WordPress Helsinki meetup, today SVG talk in WordPress Cafe hosted by Exove, and finally talk about accessibility in Turku WordPress meetup. Today topic was switching away from icon fonts to SVG. You can check the slides from here. We talk about these subjects: …

My First Year as a Freelancer

Actually, title should be my first nine months as a freelancer because I started my full time freelancing on August 1st, 2015. I was privileged to talk about my freelancing experiences in WordPress Helsinki Meetup. Thanks for having me, it was great to meet you all and have couple of beers! And I really appreciate all …

Talking Business

Me talking business? Whaaat. Well, I had a fun day. First I had a meeting in Olari highschool. They’re switching to WordPress. I can help with that. Then I went to my own school in Pohjois-Tapiola highschool and talked about business! After that I had a meeting that I can’t talked about yet. But it was …

Accessible Navigation Patterns talk in Jyväskylä WordPress Meetup

New WordPress Meetup groups have been popping out lately more and more here in Finland. Jyväskylä WordPress Meetup and Turku WordPress Meetup are the newest meetups. I visited in Jyväskylä Meetup and talked about accessible navigation patterns. My goal was to bring awareness about accessibility. It’s not hard but needs a certain mind set: Can …

Accessibility in WordPress Helsinki Meetup

In Tampere there have been active WordPress community and they have had their own WordPress Meetup several years. Now also Helsinki have our own Meetup group, everyone is more than welcome to join! We have very open atmosphere and we are definitely going to see lot’s of great topics. WordPress Helsinki Helsinki, FI 1,140 Members …