We had vivid conversation about Gutenberg in WordPress Helsinki Meetup. I was hosting the meetup and shared my opinions about Gutenberg. We also got our hands dirty and tested Gutenberg. In short people were worried about the Gutenberg. It’s such a huge change.
Here are my slides about Gutenberg Meetup:
In the next chapters I share my opinions and summary of our conversations in Gutenberg Meetup.
Gutenberg is the new editing experience which is based on blocks. Matt Mullenweg describes Gutenberg like this:
The editor will endeavour to create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed discovery.
In other words it’s going to change how we write the content (blocks).
It’s also changing how developers interact with the content. With Gutenberg we could create stunning posts, landing pages, or product pages. Now we need ACF, CMB2, or similar custom fields solutions. Or Page builders.
Gutenberg development is happening in the Github. Frequently asked questions is a long list:
Most of the answers can be found in Gutenberg FAQ page. Gutenberg Myth-Busting also have good overview.
Current plan is merging Gutenberg into WordPress 5.0. I hope it doesn’t happen before second quarter of 2018. There are still lot’s of testing and finishing up to do.
Even when Gutenberg lands most of the companies are not ready for using it in their clients sites.
If Gutenberg is going to be default editor there is going to be long (1-2 years) transition period. And disabling Gutenberg is the only option. There is already Classic editor for that.
Also Classic Text block is good way to start transition. It’s basically the same as current editor and all extended stuff for current editor should work there.
Nothing. But I believe Gutenberg will eventually have better user experience for creating the main content. Custom fields will still be useful for additional content. I don’t see them going anywhere.
I don’t have a strong opinion about Page builders because I don’t need them myself. Just be careful about consequences and lock in effect. Pippin have the best critical review of Page builders. But I certainly hope that many Page builders start creating custom blocks. Start with columns and nested blocks and you have a winner!
My school site is the easiest example what I’d like to build with Gutenberg. Page have
All those sounds like Gutenberg blocks to me. Check also Matias Ventura video demos about theming. I can already see myself creating a page template where you can only fill in the blanks. Sometimes locking the blocks is vice so that user can’t mess with the design.
Meta box support has to be in Gutenberg, there is no question about that. Initial meta box support is already implemented but I haven’t fully tested how well it works.
Naturally meta boxes needs more testing and polishing in the Gutenberg. Anyways meta boxes appear under Extended Settings.
We tested Gutenberg like this:
For advanced user tasks was a little bit too easy and quick. I provided additional tasks but I’m no expert in user testing.
There are lot’s of topics we didn’t cover like accessibility or front-end markup. Those deserve their own articles, stay tuned. In the mean time join our WordPress Helsinki meetups!
#Gutenberg introduction done by @samikeijonen. #wpfi pic.twitter.com/n0bJIgzphj
— WordPress Helsinki (@WPHelsinki) October 4, 2017