Paytrail Payment Gateway Published
I’m happy to announce that new Payment Gateway for Easy Digital Downloads plugin is finally ready. I think I started to work on in about 6 months ago, then I put it on hold for a couple of months and coded most of it in December 2013. I have full trust on EDD and Paytrail what it comes to selling digital products.
Easy Digital Downloads is the plugin if you want to sell digital products like e-books, online courses, software, WordPress themes or plugins. And if your shop is in Finland or Sweden it makes more than sense that users can purchase products using their bank account, Visa or Paytrail account. I hope that Paytrail is going to expand more and more to other countries also.
Additional info
See extension details or purchase below.
[purchase_link id=”1196″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”theme-green”]