French Themes for French-speaking WordPress community

I’m more than happy to announce that my themes will be also in Hexagone. It’s a French theme shop aimed at the French-speaking WordPress community and it’s maintained by Devin Price and Fx Benard. Devin is a WordPress developer who also maintain DevPress theme shop. Fx maintains WP Translations and he’s really passionate about translations.

I’ve know them both for a while (online) and we seem to be on the same page. We like to build top notch WordPress products and Hexagone is natural step for us. I’ll start with Toivo and Mina Olen themes. Note that I still keep and support my themes here in Foxland but only provide support and documentation in English.

hexagone - Frenach theme shop

French themes

We sometimes forget that not all people understand English. Most of the people don’t read or speak English at all or very little. And still most of the tutorials and documentations is provided in English.

For example there’s 75 million native speakers of French and about 338 million total.

That’s where Hexagone steps in. All of the themes are translated in French, all the documentation, support, tutorials and marketing is provided in French. That really helps French speaking users to start using WordPress.

So if you’re looking for themes, support, documentation in French Hexagone is the right place for you. You can also read the official announcement post in French.

I’d be very interested to do the same for Spanish. Anybody interested?