Show portfolios randomly

If you want to display portfolio items randomly in Front Page template, there is a filter called hopeareunus_front_page_portfolio_arguments. Here is how you use it.

Put this in child theme functions.php inside setup function.

/* Show portfolio items randomly in front page template. */
add_filter( ‘hopeareunus_front_page_portfolio_arguments’, ‘hopeareunus_child_front_page_portfolio_arguments’ );

Add this after setup function.

function hopeareunus_child_front_page_portfolio_arguments( $hopeareunus_portfolio_args ) {

$hopeareunus_portfolio_args[‘orderby’] = ‘rand’;

return $hopeareunus_portfolio_args;


Other option is to copy template file `page-templates/front-page.php` to your child theme `page-templates` and modify `$hopeareunus_portfolio_args` as needed. You can find more help in WP Query Codex page.