Setting up EDD Feedback

There are few steps what you need to do before automatic feedback emails are sent.

Install and activate Easy Digital Downloads Plugin

EDD Feedback is an add-on Plugin for Easy Digital Downloads so install and activate it first. After that setup your Easy Digital Downloads settings as you wish, here is excellent overview about basic configuration what you can do.

Configure EDD Feedback settings

You can find settings under Downloads → Settings → Extensions. From there you can set any number of feedback emails you want based on time period after purchase.

EDD Feedback settings

1. Disable Feedback Emails

If you need to disable feedback emails for some time you can check Disable Feedback Emails. I really don’t see any other reason but testing why you should check this. After all, this is why you’re using this plugin:) But user can disable feedback emails at checkout or you can disable them for individual downloads.

2. Set Feedback emails

Next you can set by editing default Feedback or adding new one.

  1. Enter the email subject.
  2. Select when your email should be sent. For example one day or one week after purchase.
  3. Enter email message. Note that you can use all the EDD core email tags like {name] or {sitename}. {downloads} is the only new email tag which gives you purchased item list without download links.
  4. Update/Add Feedback.
  5. Repeat this as many times as you wish.

I’d say 1-3 feedback emails are good. Customer might get angry if you sent more emails.

Add EDD Feedback

Disable feedback emails

Customer can disable feedback emails in the bottom of checkout page. There is checkbox called Allow sending feedback email.

Allow sending feedback emails

Note! Checkbox is not in the checkout page if you have disabled feedback emails for that download item. You can do that for any download. Look for metabox called Disable Feedback Emails.

Disable feedback emails metabox

If user is purchasing more than one download item Allow sending feedback email checkbox is not visible on the checkout page if you have disabled feedback emails for all the download items.


Screenshots in gallery

Check out the screenshots in gallery.

[envira-gallery id=”2691″]