Custom Fonts and Colors in Checathlon Plus

Checathlon Plus is updated to version 1.1.0. It’s a plugin that gives you business oriented features to free Checathlon theme.

You can see most of the features in the Checathlon Plus demo site.

You can now change fonts and colors in the Customizer. It helps you build a site that is more line in your business brand. Read more in the Checathlon Plus documentation.

Custom Fonts

Checathlon fonts in the Customizer

In the Customizer under Theme Fonts you can change fonts for

  • Site title
  • Post title
  • Main navigation links
  • Headings
  • Base body font for text

Fonts include over twenty Google fonts, system fonts, and web safe fonts. I haven’t included all available Google fonts but I’ll add fonts that I think fits for the theme.

Only the fonts that are not default fonts in the Checathlon theme are used in the front end of your site. This ensures that your site remain fast.

Custom Colors

Change theme colors in the Customizer

In the Customizer under Theme Colors you can change colors for

  • Header background color, main navigation link colors.
  • Content text, links and heading colors, highlight and soft (secondary) color.
  • Buttons background and text color.
  • Footer background, text, and link colors.

These options gets you a head start for creating business site with your brand color.

I didn’t include all the possible theme options on purpose. For that  I have created child themes which have all the color and background styles. That’ll help you customize your site even more with CSS. Child themes are included in the Checatlon Plus package.

Note that if you leave the default color for any color option, custom styles are not added for that option. In most cases this is good when there is no extra styles added to your site unless you want them.

Social Links in the Sidebar

With this update you can also add the same social links menu in the sidebar as in the Footer.

Set social links in the custom menu widget

This is good option if you have long pages and want to show your social media in the top of your pages also, not just in the footer.

I hope you find these updates worthwhile.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or have feature request.