Changes in Foxland

Today is December 6, 2016, Finland Independence day. We are now 99 years old and I salute my home country from the bottom of my heart. Feature image (dark road with arrow up) represent December here in Finland pretty well, at least here in Helsinki 🙂

But what were the changes in my theme and plugin shop called Foxland?

Price changes and recurring payments

All commercial themes and plugins have now yearly recurring payment. It means from this day on all new purchases will be renewed automatically after one year unless you cancel the subscription.

Also there is now only one price option which gives gives you one year updates and support. To sum it up.

  • All new purchases are recurring yearly. You can cancel anytime you want.
  • There is only one price option.
  • That gives you one year of support and updates.

Most of the commercial themes are now 75 euros. This is not a big change when the cheapest option was normally 69 euros before. There are several great free themes also without Pro version or additional featured plugin.

Free Plugins

EDD Members and EDD Paytrail payment gateway plugins are now free. I might eventually put them in For current customers I provide support as always.

I no longer maintain EDD Feedback plugin. There are so many better ways to automate feedback emails than EDD Feedback.

Let me know if you have any questions.